Conceptual Dynamics - Independent Learning

Applying Newton's Second Law - Example Problem 5.6-10


A ball with a mass of 2 kg is confined to move along a vertical slot while being pushed by the rotating arm shown. The distance between the pivot and the slot is L = 0.7 m. Determine the force of the arm on the ball and the normal and friction forces of the slot on the ball when θ = 30o. The rod is rotating with angular velocity and acceleration of (dθ/dt) = 0.5 rad/s and (d 2θ/dt 2) = 1 rad/s2, respectively. The ball is made of brass and the slot is made of mild steel. Assume that the ball contacts only one side of the slot at any instant and does not roll, but slides. See Appendix C for the friction characteristics.



  • m = 2 kg
  • L = 0.7 m
  • ρ = 1000 ft
  • θ = 30o
  • dθ/dt = 0.5 rad/s
  • d 2θ/dt 2 = 1 rad/s2


  • N
  • Ffk
  • F


Video solution:


The following video walks you through the solution to this problem. It is suggested that you try solving the problem first and then, if you have difficulties with the solution, watch the video for help.




Interactive solution:


Draw a free-body diagram of the particle. Think about what coordinate system is the best to use.





What is the kinetic friction coefficient?


μk =