Conceptual Dynamics - Independent Learning

Rotation about a Fixed Axis - Conceptual Example 6.6-2


Consider a pendulum that is released from the position shown and falls under the influence of gravity. What affect do you think increasing the size of msphere, mbar, L and r have on the angular acceleration (α)? Check your assertions.





msphere = kg         r = m




mbar = kg         L = m


Angular acceleration


α = rad/s2



Equations used to calculate α


α = ∑MO/IO


IO,bar = (1/3)mbarL2


IO,sphere = (2/5)mspherer2 + msphere(L + r)2


What effect does increasing msphere have on the angular acceleration (α)?







What effect does increasing mrod have on the angular acceleration (α)?







What effect does increasing r have on the angular acceleration (α)?







What effect does increasing L have on the angular acceleration (α)?