Conceptual Dynamics - Independent Learning

Mass Moments


Is the area moment of inertia (I), used in strength of materials analysis, and the mass moment of inertia (I) the same? If not, what are their differences?







Mass moment of inertia for a system of particles


Mass moment of inertia of a single particle


IO = mr2



Mass moment of inertia of a system of particles


IO =miri2



Mass moment of inertia for a rigid body


If we think of a rigid body as a collection of infinitesimally small particles, the mass moment of inertia becomes the integral form of the mass moment of inertia for a system of particles.


IO =ri2 dm



Notice that the mass moment of inertia tables in Appendix A of the book give values of the inertia with respect to a specific axis. What if the axis given is not the one we need? How do we calculate I with respect to a different axis?







Radius of gyration


It is often the case that a body’s mass moment of inertia with respect to an axis is expressed in terms of its radius of gyration (k) with respect to that axis.


I = mk2