Conceptual Dynamics - Independent Learning

General Planar Motion


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Under the influence of an unbalanced force and moment, an unconstrained rigid body will translate and rotate. So far, we have considered Euler's second law (the moment equation) for the following cases.


  • Pure translation

    MG = 0


    MP = rG/P x ma


  • Pure rotation

    MO = IOα


  • General planar motion with a center of mass reference

    MG = IGα



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Sometimes it is advantageous to choose an arbitrary reference point (P) that is not the center of mass (G). For example, consider a ladder that slides down a wall as shown in the figure. It may be advantageous to choose point P as a reference to eliminate the normal forces from the moment equation.



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Newton's second law for general planar motion


F = maG


Euler's second law for general planar motion


MP = IPα + rG/P x maP




MP = IGα + rG/P x maG