Conceptual Dynamics - Independent Learning

Linear Impulse-Momentum Principle


Rigid bodies


Take a pencil and place it on a flat surface. Apply a force to the pencil that will make it roll straight. Then, apply a force to the pencil that will make it roll as well as rotate. What was the difference?





Principle of linear impulse and momentum: The impulse of the resultant force acting on a rigid body is equal to the change in the body's linear momentum. Note that the reference point is the body’s mass center.


∫∑F dt = mvG,2 - ∑mvG,1


Systems of rigid bodies


The total linear momentum of a system of rigid bodies is equal to the sum of the momenta of the individual bodies.


∫∑F dt = mivGi,2 - ∑mivGi,1


Conservation of linear momentum


If the external forces acting on a rigid body sum to zero over a period of time, then the linear momentum of the body is constant.


mivGi,2 = ∑mivGi,1