Conceptual Dynamics - Independent Learning

Applying Newton's Second Law


Many problems will require the use of both kinetics and kinematics to solve.


  1. Solve the kinetics problem (∑F = ma) to find the acceleration and then solve the kinematics problem (a = dv/dt, v = dr/dt) to find the velocity, displacement or time.

  3. Solve the kinematics problem (a = dv/dt, v = dr/dt) to find the acceleration and then solve the kinetics problem (∑F = ma) to find the force.


Solving Newtonian mechanics problems does not limit you to a particular coordinate system. However, the choice of coordinate frame can greatly affect the ease with which a solution is obtained.


Newton's second law in rectangular coordinates


Useful when ...

  • x- and y-direction accelerations are independent. (e.g. projectile motion)
  • motion only occurs in one direction.


Fx = max


Fy = may


Newton's second law in normal-tangential coordinates


The n-t coordinate system has a third axis. This third axis is the bi-normal axis (b – axis). The b – axis is perpendicular to both the n and t axes.


Useful when ...

  • the particle’s path (radius of curvature) is known.
  • information about the path of motion is given.


Ft = mat = m(dv/dt)        Acceleration (at) is due to the particle either speeding up or slowing down.


Fn = man = mv2        Acceleration (an) is due to the particle changing direction of motion, where Fn = Centripetal Force.


Fb = 0        By definition of this coordinate system, ab = 0 since the particle accelerates only in the n-t plane.


Newton's second law in polar coordinates


Useful when ...

  • you are given or desire information about the body’s motion relative to a fixed reference frame.
  • the particle moves in a curved path.


Fr = mar = m((d 2r/dt 2) - rθ)


Fθ = maθ = m(r(d 2θ/dt 2) + 2(dr/dt)(dθ/dt))