Conceptual Dynamics - Independent Learning

Choosing a Kinetic Analysis Method


We have studied three different kinetic analysis methods.


  1. Newtonian mechanics
  2. Work-energy method
  3. Impulse-momentum method


Newtonian mechanics


F = ma


  • Provides a relationship between forces and acceleration.
  • Kinematic relationships must be employed to find velocity and position.


Work-energy method


U1-2,non = ΔT + ΔV


  • Provides a relationship between forces, displacement, and velocity directly.
  • Only forces that do work must be considered.
  • Can also determine instantaneous behavior by taking the time derivative of the work-energy balance equation.


Impulse-momentum method


∫∑F dt = ΔG


  • The linear impulse-momentum principle provides a relationship between forces, time, and velocity.
  • The linear impulse-momentum relationship is especially useful for analyzing collisions.


∫∑MO = ΔHO


  • The angular impulse-momentum principle provides a relationship between moments, time, and velocity.
  • The angular impulse-momentum relationship is especially useful for central-force problems.


Choosing a kinetic analysis method


Givens / Need to find Most appropriate method

Forces / Acceleration

Newtonian Mechanics

Forces / Displacement / Velocity


Forces / Time / Velocity

Linear Impulse-Momentum

Moments / Time / Velocity

Angular Impulse-Momentum