Conceptual Dynamics - Independent Learning

Plane Curvilinear Motion - n-t Coordinates




  • Acceleration is the time rate of change of velocity.
  • If the path of motion is curved, acceleration is not in the same direction as velocity.



a = (dv/dt) = d(vet )/dt


Notice that the acceleration equation (above) includes taking the derivative of the unit direction vector et. Does det /dt = 0 like di/dt = 0?





The following information will show how the following n-t acceleration equation is derived.


a = (dv/dt)et + (v2/ρ)en



Which equation represents the time derivative of the velocity that will give an expression for the acceleration.


v = v et





This is not a very useful form of the acceleration equation. We need to find out what det /dt equals. We need to know both the magnitude and direction of det /dt. If we look at the above figure, we see that as ds gets smaller and smaller det begins to point in n-direction.


Direction: det = det en


The magnitude of det can be determined by using the arc length equation. Looking at the figure and noting that the magnitude of a unit direction vector is equal to one, we get the following.


Magnitude: |det| = |et| dθ = 1


Taking the time derivative of the magnitude equation we get


det /dt = dθ/dt


Recalling that the velocity equals


v = ρ(dθ/dt)


Substituting the velocity equation and the magnitude and direction information into the acceleration equation we obtain a useful version of the acceleration equation.


a = (dv/dt)et + v (det /dt) = (dv/dt)et + (v2/ρ)en


A particle’s acceleration is always nonzero if it is moving on a curve, even if its speed is constant. Why?





What does (dv/dt) physically represent in the acceleration equation? a = (dv/dt)et + (v2/ρ)en





What does (v2/ρ) physically represent in the acceleration equation? a = (dv/dt)et + (v2/ρ)en