Conceptual Dynamics - Independent Learning

Plane Curvilinear Motion - n-t Coordinates


Normal - Tangential coordinate system


Watch the animation and consider how easy or hard it would be to solve for the acceleration of the pink car.


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It would be fairly difficult to solve for the acceleration of a car using the x-y coordinate system. The rectangular coordinate system is much better for solving straight line motion or motion where the acceleration in the x and y-directions are independent. The n-t coordinate system is more natural for curved paths that are known.


The n-t coordinate system is used when the path of the particle is known. It is a body fixed coordinate frame that is attached to and moves with the particle.

  • t-axis: The positive t–axis is in the direction of motion, tangent to the path curve.
  • n–axis: The positive n–axis is perpendicular to the t–axis and is directed toward the center of curvature.



Step through the following animation to see how the n-t coordinate axes are attached to the body.


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