Conceptual Dynamics - Independent Learning

Plane Curvilinear Motion - Choosing a Coordinate System


Rectanglar coordinates


The rectangular coordinate system is useful for straight line motion. It is also useful if the x and y component of the body’s acceleration are independent (e.g. projectile motion).


  • Position: r = x i + y j
  • Velocity: v = (dx/dt) i + (dy/dt) j
  • Acceleration: a = (d 2x/dt 2) i + (d 2y/dt 2) j


n-t coordinates


The normal and tangential coordinate system is useful when a particle’s path is curved and information such as the path's radius of curvature or the speed and acceleration along the path are given.


  • Velocity: v = v et
  • Acceleration: a = (dv/dt) et + (v2/ρ) en


Polar coordinates


The polar coordinate system is useful when a particle’s path is curved especially if the path is circular. It is also useful when angular velocities and accelerations are given.


  • Position: r = r er
  • Velocity: v = (dr/dt) er + r(dθ/dt) eθ
  • Acceleration: a = ((d 2r/dt 2) - r(dθ/dt)2)er + (r(d 2θ/dt 2) + 2(dr/dt)(dθ/dt))eθ